Identity Book
You will be making an accordion book that talks about you!
It will include a cover with ten panels. It will include and be limited to the colors scheme you select. There should be a design that flows throughout. You should emphasis important details with bold fonts and colors. Lesser details use smaller fonts.
Our Project:
FIRST ----------------- Before you begin: You will use a this website to pick a color scheme that will be used throughout the project. EVERY PANEL NEEDS TO USE THESE COLORS
Cover Panel Download the COVER template. You should include the following... _____ Name _____ Date _____ Bitmoji or some kind of avatar to represent you _____ Your chosen color scheme Panel 1 ----------------------------------------------------- _____ Name _____ birthday _____ birth location _____ Find a map to add to this project from the Internet and add a star to the location you were born. ______ Add some fancy design to the panel in the background. _____ Your chosen color scheme Panel 2 ----------------------------------------------------- Panel two should include at least three people that are important to you, could be family, but doesn't have to be. Also include ______ MEANING of your First name ______ How long you've known them For each of the three people... ______ Why they are important ______ Something you two share in common ______ Photo, avatar, or Bitmoji of them ______ Your chosen color scheme Panel 3 ----------------------------------------------------- ______ Siblings, pets, or close family and cousins ______ Create a family tree ______ Literally incorporate a tree into your design ______ Your chosen color scheme Panels 4 ----------------------------------------------------- ______ Schools you've attended throughout your life, with years as well as any college you know you are attending next year ______ Photos of the schools ______ Those school's mascots ______ Your chosen color scheme Panels 5 ----------------------------------------------------- 2 Top 5 lists: Select 2 of the following and make a top five list of each. Include ______ 2 lists ______ Images that show each of the five things you list for both lists ______ Your chosen color scheme ↓↓↓↓↓↓ Select Two ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ ______ Music you've liked over time ______ Favorite movies as a kid ______ Favorite recent movie ______ Favorite tv shows as a kids ______ Favorite tv shows now Panels 6 ----------------------------------------------------- ______ Activities you participated in over time ______ Jobs/work/babysitting/household responsibilities you've done in your life, over time Panels 7 ----------------------------------------------------- Answer 2 questions: What 2 Hobbies do you wish you could explore and If you had one superpower, what would it be and why? ______ Snapchat, surfing the internet, sleeping, and things like that do not count. ______ Include images of the hobbies ______ Include image of the superpower. Panel 8 ----------------------------------------------------- ______ Three places you have traveled to, either locally, or further destinations, states, other countries ______ Three places you would like to go in your lifetime ______ Must include a map with all of the locations from above with labels of each place Panel 9 and 10 -------------------------------------------------- ______ Panel 9 AND 10 MUST HAVE IMAGES ______ write out the question ______ Question 1 + Answer in complete sentence ______ Question 2 + Answer in complete sentence ______ Question 3 + Answer in complete sentence ______ Question 4 + Answer in complete sentence On the last two panels, write out the question, and answer 4 of the following questions in complete sentences.
Digital Version
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Five Design Samples
Sample 1 ↓↓↓ Sample 2 ↓↓↓ Sample 3 ↓↓↓ Sample 4 ↓↓↓ Sample 5 ↓↓↓