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Chapter 4: Identity Design: Page 85
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Chapter 4: Identity Design: Page 85
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DI vocabulary
Graphic Design Vocabulary
Advertise: to advertise means to make something publicly known, or to describe something in order to sell it Lithography: Printing is from a stone or a metal plate with a smooth surface. Sponsor: to pay a fee in support of a broadcast, in return for mention of a product or service Jingle: a short, memorable song about a product Target Audience: a particular group at which a film, book, advertising campaign, etc., is aimed. Billboards: outdoor advertising structures, usually along roads or highways, built to convey messages to passing motorists Digital Billboards: similar to billboards, but shared among multiple advertisers, used to display messages that change every few seconds Spectaculars: Custom billboards that might use neon, fiber optics, back-light panels or video screens, hydraulic moment, three dimensional objects, or strobes to create a special visual effect Proportion: The size relationships between parts of an object Scale: the size relationship between one object and another. Periodicals Space Ads and Print Ads Classified Ads Direct Mail Self Mailers Envelope Mailers Dimensional Mailers Advertising Agencies Ad Campaign Story Board |
Photoshop Vocabulary
pixels -dots that make up an image hue -the color reflected from or transmitted through an object, expressed as a degree (betw. 0 and 360) and identified by a color name saturation -the strength or purity of the color, representing the amount of gray in proportion to hue; is measured in a percentage from 0% (gray) to 100% (fully saturated) brightness -the measurement of a relative lightness or darkness of a color; measured in a percentage from 0% (black) to 100% (white) grayscale mode -a specialized color mode that uses up to 256 shades of gray, assigning a brightness from 0 (black) to 255 (white) to each pixel foreground color -The color applied by painting tools in Photoshop; Black by default and is used to paint, fill, and apply a border to a selection; background color -Color that is revealed by the Eraser Tool when it is used on a layer that has transparency locked; It is white by default and is use to make gradient fills and fill in areas of an image that have been erased color picker -a feature that lets you choose a color from a color spectrum or numerically to define a custom color swatches panel -a visual display of colors that you can choose from stroke -emphasizing an image by placing a border around its edges gradient -a blend of colors used to fill a selection of a layer or an entire layer (same as gradient fill) grayscale image -scan contain up to 256 shades of gray, assigning brightness value from 0 (black) to 255 (white) to each pixels luminosity -the light and dark values within an image when you convert it from color to grayscale filters -photoshop commands that can significantly alter an image's appearance Sharpen filter -increases the contrast of adjacent pixels and can focus a blurry image Application bar -A bar at the top of the workspace that contains Photoshop's menus and several other commonly-used tools to help you manage your workspace. Icon -A picture or symbol that represents the selected tool. Menus -Lists of commands that are related to each other. Options bar -Located just below the Application bar. When you click on any tool in the Tools panel, the tool's options (or settings) appear here. Panels -Small windows that contain a variety of related settings. Main ones used include: Layers, Channels, and History. Crop -To cut off Resolution -Quality level of an image. Measured in pixels per inch (ppi) or dots per inch (dpi) Fastening Points -Points created by the Magnetic Lasso Tool that hold the selection border to the edges in the image. Feathering -A fading-out effect created at the edges of a selection. Flatten -Merge all layers in an image using a single command. Layers -Parts of Photoshop file that keeps different parts of the design separate from each other. Scale -To make larger or smaller. Font -A named set of text and numeric characters that share the same look and feel. Layer Styles -Special effects such as drop shadows, beveled edges, and colorful outlines that can quickly be applied to an entire layer. Styles -A variety of effects, such as drop shadows and beveled edges, applied to text or shapes. JPEG -Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG or .jpg) is an image file format that supports millions of colors and works best for photographs and other images with continuous tones. PSD -Photoshop document. These files contain all the layers an artist creates so that each layer can be changed or edited later. History panel -shows you all the moves you have done in the current session of Photoshop. It takes the multiple-undo system and puts it in a list you can pick from. Red eye tool -a retouching tool in Photoshop that allows a user to neutralize red tones by blending them with the eye color of a person in an image. Clone Stamp tool -A retouching tool that allows a user to copy a selected area and paste it over another area to cover blemishes or other problems in the photo. color balance -the adjustment of the intensity of the colors in an image. Unsharp mask -Photoshop effect that helps to sharpen a blurry image by masking the unsharp part. It is in the Filter menu. RGB -a color mode that is popular for computer graphics and has a maximum of 16.7 million colors. CMYK -a color mode used for four-color printing. It has a maximum of 16.7 million colors. Color mode -determines the color model used to display and print images. CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black); RGB (red, green, blue) and Grayscale are this. File size -The digital size of an image, proportional to the pixel dimensions of the image. To find this, multiply width in pixels by height in pixels. PDF -Portable Document File enables the printing and viewing of documents. Tjhe document appears the same regardless of which operating system or computer is used. TIFF -The Tagged Image File Format saves an image without any compression. PNG -an image file format that supports grayscale, 256 color, true color images and alpha transparency. leading -the space between the lines of text. kerning -the space between each letter tracking -evenly adding or subtracting space between letters in a word or group of words magnetic lasso -A selection tool that creates selections automatically by clinging to edges of contrasting objects as you click the edges polygonal lasso -A selection tool useful for creating a selection that is made up of straight lines magic wand -a selection tool that selects an area based on similarly colored pixels, and may be adjusted for color tolerance. inverse selection -An option in the Select menu that allows the user to select the background of an image, then use that selection to create a new selection with the inverse portion of the image (the part not originally selected Quick selection -selects portions of an image based on similarity of textures or solid blocks of similar color. layer mask -An overlay of a layer that allows you to make visual changes to the layer without actually changing the layer itself. While in this, you can paint white to reveal additional parts of the layer or paint black to conceal. adjustments layer -Create this on an image in the layers panel to make visual changes such as making a photo lighter or darker, sharpening or adjusting the color balance or hue. healing brush -a retouching tool that allows a user to copy an area and drag it across another area of an image to mix pixels and blend color tones to cover blemishes. dodge -use this tool to lighten parts of your image where you click and drag this tool. You can set the exposure amount and choose highlights, midtones or shadows in the options bar. burn -use these to darken parts of your image where you click and drag this tool. You can set the exposure amount and choose highlights, midtones or shadows in the options bar. smart object -completely preserves the image data so that all editing is nondestructive pantone -a color-matching system that is used to standardize colors used in digital and printed images. duotone -a color mode that uses two colors, combining highlights and midtones to a black & white image while allowing the user to choose the second color, so that it is the chosen color and white |